So this post is a bit late, but hey, better late than never!
On July 3rd, Jesi, Scout and I walked over to Fred Kelly stadium to watch their annual fireworks show. Scout was really excited on our walk over there but as soon as they started going off she decided she didnt like them, which was weird because she sees them all the time at Disneyland.
She is the cutest lil' muffin in the whole world. She kept asking if Tinkerbell was going to fly and then at the end when she didnt show up (because we werent at Disneyland) she said, "well, I guess she's not comin." I love her :)
I dont have pictures from the 4th of July but it was a great day! I love my country and I love celebrating its independence. I was the only person I saw my age wearing red, white & blue. So what if I am lame. In the morning I went over to the Trowbridges to layout a little and have some BBQ. I love going over there! Its like home away from home! Then I headed over to Jesi's friends BBQ where we played in the pool. Jesi, Scout and I headed
After church I went to another BBQ for a bit. Then picked up my friend Nick and went to his house to swim and watch fireworks. It was amazing! He lives on the top of a hill so we could see the fireworks everywhere, from the pool!!! It was great!
Happy Birthday America and Thank You to The Men and Women Who Serve Our Beautiful Country!
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